New Moon in Leo 🔥
Today is a New Moon in 5 degrees Leo at 1:54 PM EST!
This Moon has beautiful seed energy, calling us to step into what we are creating.
I highly encourage you to write down your intentions for this one as it directs your personal will into the cosmos!
Say them out loud 3 times and preferably while
looking at yourself in a mirror.
Do what resonates with you...
but hey, it is Leo season so grab that mirror beauty!
As we lean into Leo's energy, we also are activated by the Lion's Gate Portal... more on this later, but connect and open up to your inner light to prepare for this abundant cosmic alignment. Ask for what you want!
This Moon is the cosmic opportunity to look inward and create self-awareness of what you are healing. This moon has a supportive angle to both Chiron and Jupiter. It wants you to radically love yourself to expand... and sometimes a bit of self-reflection is required to embody the vibration you want to attract.
Now, remember, whatever you are asking for will require action to materialize and Leo asks us to be brave. Think about how you can put energy into this intention and make a commitment to yourself!
In full honour of this New Moon (stepping into what I'm creating), I leave you with a personal note on my NEW offering, The Cosmic Temple.
Let me share this collective space of love and empowerment that the ancient Feminine Masters like Mary Magdalene have shown me with you.
Happy New Moon blessings!
Corina xo