Pisces Full Moon - The Evolutionary ending of the natural cycle.
The Piscean signature in your chart, in all its forms, can show you much about your journey. Where you find liberation and also where you suffer.
This will depend on what happened along the journey and the decisions you made to create change.
Our chart shows us many clues about these evolutionary cycles of what we might face in this lifetime and what we have brought from the past. There are always cosmic transits that cue us to decide if we want to repeat the cycle.
Hence the essence of this Full Moon.
Conjunct Neptune and squaring Mars will not make this the easiest choice. But when does breaking the bonds of time and removing ourselves from our comfort zone and what we have ever known been easy?
I am a Pisces, 12th house, conjunct the South Node and Mars. This is my mission. To complete a cycle. So I am in this with you. Thankfully I have my Aries rising to save my ass...and the Aries women in my life (thank you).
The Full Moon illuminates consciousness. It is the equal balance of our Solar and Lunar or Feminine and Masculine energy. It presents the opportunity to change the trajectory of the cycle of transformation.
Pisces energy demands awareness otherwise, it can often feel exhausting, stressful, anxious, or lonely.
Therefore give yourself some space this weekend. Do the things that help you open the gateway that will connect you to the consciousness of what can be revealed on this Full Moon.
The only way through these cycles is by taking action, and if our masculine energy is balanced, then it should feel inspired. Pisces counterpart is Virgo, and when Pisces is expressed, the elevated aspects of Virgo can flow, which will help you understand what to do next.
After a bit of rest and quiet needed to receive the illumination of the Moon, decide your next step.
It's a great weekend to write out your vision- but use Virgo's elements to organize what needs to happen for that vision to materialize. Illuminate the path... or next journey. Release and cut the cords that hold you in the cycle, or at least create awareness of this, claim the suffering you feel in this cycle, and ask for the message of what you can do next.
As I was writing this, I just watched a huge hawk circle and circle until he finally reached down to the water and got a fish... the symbolism is wild.
Much Love,