Discover what is waiting for you...
Hello, Beauties!
I hope you are doing well.
Let's talk about one of my favourite Astro alignments of the year! Ok...there are several because this is an incredible cosmic time, but we are coming into an important Uranus transit... and you know Uranus is my planet!
On July 26, Uranus and the North Node align in Taurus. The last time this happened was in 2007, however, in Pisces.
One thing we can expect is change.
Uranus is constantly (yet slowly) moving us into the future. It wants us to connect with the collective consciousness and discover where we fit in and how we can be of service for the greater good of humanity.
Where our place is in this world.
The Node Node is the destination. It is the energy we need to lean into to evolve. It challenges us to step forward.
This is a special transit, beauties.
It calls you to take the next step along the path destined for you.
It calls you to remember who you are, all the pieces of yourself, both dark and light and step into your greatness.
On a global scale, this is an important transit for women.
For women to feel safe, seen and reclaim their bodies and desires. We have been challenged with this recently and since the beginning of freakin time, but we must be brave and decide what this means for ourselves. We have to be the change we want to see, starting with our rules governing our bodies, minds and souls... and money. Taurus is about our earthly possessions. Can we look at our scarcity patterns and evolve into abundance versus lack? Can we step into what is ours in the most authentic way? Can we heal the Feminine wound and unite? Can we reclaim our sexuality as a spiritual practice?
This transit happens in 18 degrees Taurus, so where this lands in your birth chart will play an essential role in how it will influence you, but it is time to take the next step forward in owning who you are.
How can you create the space in your life to step into who you were destined to be?
What are your Gateways or rules that govern your body, mind and soul?
How can you connect to the greater consciousness and surrender to your purpose?
It is time!
With this type of transit, I would typically expect to see change quickly, but I think we are currently too far into the chaos for change to transpire quickly. Therefore, the path might seem uncertain or foggy with so many planets in retrograde.
So right now, dive into the chaos.
Discover what is waiting for you. This is a time of awakening.
Could you let whatever needs to be seen show up for you? This is the blessing of planetary retrogrades. They are going back to a place they have been in your chart to present a missed opportunity.
This may be around purpose, healing, relationships, money, spiritual growth or transformation. It will be different for everyone, but what is the message when the chaos clears?
What can you learn about yourself?
I will never be the same after my trip to France. I was very intentional (of course) to surrender and trust the path. So many auspicious things happened to me that were far beyond would I could have expected and validated the work I want to do with women.
This is a cosmic invitation to surrender to your destined path. Take the cosmic opportunity to say 'yes' to yourself.
And remember, Uranus always wins one way or another :)
Much love,