I LOVED this discussion. The Neters are so much clearer. Hakim, I understood you to say that the Neter is the energy that moves the thought into action. Is that correct? I hadn't considered that the creative, catalytic force that sparks our thoughts and desires has different qualities. What "came" is that a Neter is the quality or frequency of the catalytic energy that sparks our thoughts into action and that force has different qualities directly (represented by the various Neters) influenced by the planets and their alignment in our individual birth charts. Leaving space in our schedules to listen and align with the flow of the day and the synchronistic moments that open to us in presence is key to living in the mystery and magick of life. So precious. Am I understanding this correctly?
Thank you so much for sharing your coffee conversations with us. What you two are creating together is such a gift!
I LOVED this discussion. The Neters are so much clearer. Hakim, I understood you to say that the Neter is the energy that moves the thought into action. Is that correct? I hadn't considered that the creative, catalytic force that sparks our thoughts and desires has different qualities. What "came" is that a Neter is the quality or frequency of the catalytic energy that sparks our thoughts into action and that force has different qualities directly (represented by the various Neters) influenced by the planets and their alignment in our individual birth charts. Leaving space in our schedules to listen and align with the flow of the day and the synchronistic moments that open to us in presence is key to living in the mystery and magick of life. So precious. Am I understanding this correctly?
Thank you so much for sharing your coffee conversations with us. What you two are creating together is such a gift!
Thank you Cori!